Lehua Elementary School
Learning today to be LEADERS of tomorrow!
Lehua Elementary School 791 Lehua Avenue Pearl City, HI 96782
phone (808) 307-3700 fax (808) 453-6497
Principal: Mr. Michael Sugano
Follow us on Instagram www.instagram.com/lehuaelementary
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 6 - First Day of School!!
School starts at 7:45 am and ends at 2:00 pm
Kindergarten Group A 1/2 Day
Wednesday, August 7
School starts at 7:45 am and ends at 12:45 pm
Kindergarten Group B 1/2 Day
Thursday, August 8
School starts at 7:45 am and ends at 2:00 pm
Kindergarten Group A Full Day
Friday, August 9
School starts at 7:45 am and ends at 2:00 pm
Kindergarten Group B Full Day
Monday, August 12
All Kindergarten Students All Day
Friday, August 16
Statehood Day
2024 - 2025 School Year Information
Please visit:
This website will give you access to our breakfast and lunch menu. It includes nutrition facts for items being served.
Title 1 Annual Meeting
Aloha Lehua Ohana! Please read the attached documents about Title 1.
SCC Meeting
School Bus Information
Bus Stops & Bus Schedule
If you child(ren) is planning on catching the bus to school, please use the link below to assist you to find the bus stop and pick up/drop off schedule.
School Bus Online Application
Lehua families may complete an online bus application with the link below or you may pick up a paper application at the office during normal business hours.
http.//hi.etrition.com/bus application
VAX Information
Parents - please refer to the flyer if your child will be entering 7th Grade at a Hawaii Public School
HIDOE COVID-19 Information and Updates
The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is working closely with the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) on guidance for our students, teachers, parents and staff to prepare for and prevent the possible arrival of COVID-19 disease at school campuses. In close coordination with DOH, existing HIDOE emergency response plans are being adapted for future implementation when needed to help stop the spread of the disease. Detailed communications from schools are planned to keep parents notified should the situation arise. Please view the COVID-19 resources on the Hawaii State Department of Education website and learn about specific steps you can take to avoid it.
Student Information Privacy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that gives parents certain protections with regard to their children’s education records, such as report cards, transcripts, disciplinary records, contact and family information, and class schedules.
For more information, please visit the Hawaii Department of Education student privacy webpage at: http://bit.ly/FERPAHI
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) and its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion, or disability in its programs and activities. Please direct inquiries regarding HIDOE nondiscrimination policies as follows:
ADA/Section 504 inquiries: Krysti Sukita, ADA/504 Specialist, Civil Rights Compliance Office, Hawaii State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2360 Honolulu, Hawaii 96804, (808) 586-3322 or relay, crco@notes.k12.hi.us
Title VI, Title IX, and other inquiries: Anne Marie Puglisi, Director, Civil Rights Compliance Office, Hawaii State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2360 Honolulu, Hawaii 96804, (808) 586-3322 or relay, crco@notes.k12.hi.us.
Equity Specialist Contact Information
You may also contact this person for questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment at your school:
Equity Specialist (Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area)
94-521 Farrington Highway
Waipahu, HI 96796
Phone Number :(808) 629-9114
Email Address: shari_dela_cuarda@notes.k12.hi.us
MS4 Water Pollution Prevention Program
Schools are required to manage and inform the public of the importance of keeping our storm drains clean of debris and pollution.
Asbestos Letter
See attached current Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) letter for further information.